What does Top-Rated Mean in Reddit’s Ranking System


Though Reddit’s comment sorting system has been in use for almost a decade, the fact is that I wasn’t so exposed to western internet community till 2013, it is still, a rather new thing to me.

Randall, the author of xkcd, also my favourite internet comics, wrote a blog explaining what the algorithm is. Meanwhile, a detailed version is introduced by Evan Miller.

In the latter, Evan gave two examples of two “wrong” ranking methods:

  1. Score = positive - negative;
  2. Score = positive / total.

To say they are “wrong”, does not mean that they are not possible to give a rough idea in all scenarios. But the reality is always complex, a rough idea is probably a synonym of “meaninglessness”. To be specific, the first case ignore the “ratio” part in the term of “highest rated”, that means a more controversial comment might exceed a quality post simply due to more people voting on it. The second case, however, ignores the scenario where the sample space is limited. For instance, we can hardly say that a 1 of 1 upvoted comment is better than that of 99 of 100 upvoted comment.

How Reddit deals with this problem is trying to reach a confident balance between positive proportion and small number of observations. Now suppose the following:

  1. Each voting event is independent.
  2. Each event can either be a positive or a negative.
  3. The total number of votes is $n$, the number of positive votes is $k$, $\hat{p}=k/n$ is the positive proportion.

Now the idea is to first find each $\hat{p}$, then calculate the corresponding confidence intervals, and finally rank the items by their lower bounds of confidence intervals.

The perfect expression of these confidence intervals here is:


In 1928, mathematician Edwin Bidwell Wilson developed this score interval above to estimate the successful (or positive, in our case) probability $\hat{p}$.

Here’s my R script to simulate a comment ranking situation possibly happening every day on Reddit.


Wilson <- function(n, k, alpha=0.95) {
    phat <- k/n
    score <- qnorm(1-(1-alpha)/2)
    lbound <- (phat+score**2/(2*n)-score*sqrt((phat*(1-phat)+score**2/(4*n))/n))/(1+score**2/n)

x <- sample(1:500,200,replace=T)
y <- sample(1:500,200,replace=T)

votes <- data.frame(x,y)
votes %>%
    rowwise() %>%
    mutate(pos=min(x,y),total=max(x,y)) %>%
    select(total, pos) %>%
    mutate(Wilson=Wilson(total,pos)) %>%

And the pseudo-results are:

# A tibble: 200 x 3
   total   pos Wilson
   <int> <int>  <dbl>
 1   473   467  0.973
 2   494   487  0.971
 3   390   385  0.970
 4   234   232  0.969
 5   354   347  0.960
 6   237   233  0.957
 7   123   121  0.943
 8   391   376  0.938
 9   296   285  0.935
10   415   397  0.932
# ... with 190 more rows
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